That doofus known as GrownNerd may not know what’s up in general, but he’s a long time nerd so he’s down with what nerds want. And what do you want?
You want a classic cigar chomping gun toting jet pack accessory flying Nick Fury, not long coat wearing Ultimate Snakes on the M*****F***ing Plane Fury.
You want a middle aged Dum Dum Dugan that has a belly not unlike your own stout but firm abdomen, not that young Adonis shaped pretty boy from the Twin Packs.
You want a Russian sexpot Black Widow with assets gratuitously displayed, not that disappointingly PG rated movie Natasha with straps and zippers everywhere but all of them strapped and zipped.
So here is a SHIELD 3-pack, for nerds, by a nerd.
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